Sunday, June 7, 2009


Sorry for the lack of posts over the past few weeks. I was on vacation and there wasn't enough time to play Crawl. Before playing again, I took some time to review what I wrote in the initial blog post, and I have done remarkably well in my goals. I have changed the type of character I am using, but I have managed to obtain a rune on many occasions, and I have even had a few characters obtain two runes.

I can definitely tell the difference between playing regularly and playing occasionally. When I have not played for a couple of days, my first few games are rough, as I no longer have a feel for when I am in trouble. Anyway, my new goal is to obtain entrance to the Realm of Zot, though I expect I will quickly die once I arrive there.

Finally, my comments regarding the requirement of spoilers needs a bit of clarification. I should note that Stone Soup now identifies the "edibility" of corpses, so there is no danger to dying to poisonous meat. However, there still is no way to know the capabilities of a given monster from within the game. I think Crawl would benefit from detailed monster descriptions listing the following type of information:

  • regular depth level of monster (for out of depth discovery)

  • special abilities of monster

  • any resistances the monster has

  • a rough idea of how more or less powerful the monster is versus the current character

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